Episode 194 – Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

OBJECTION! Phoenix Wright has stepped in the Council of The Lost Levels. With Dark Boo presided as the judge… -er, host, The Lost Levels must crack down each case to get the tea, the shade, and the truth for the justice of all! Get ready to uncover the truth and clock all of the shady individuals. This podcast is all about Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney! We highly recommend everyone get the game; the trilogy is currently available on the 3DS e-Shop! Dark Boo is our host this week, with SuperZambezi, Sol, and SpiderStaryu joining as co-hosts!!


Icon4SuperZambezi2 Icon3DarkBoo Icon1SpiderStaryu Icon5Sol2

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I am a joyful 19 year old dude who loves everything Nintendo, particularly Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, and Kirby. I have plenty of roles through out the MPL network, which include: Being an Admin of the MPL Forums, being a Writer here on the website, and also being part of MPL's podcast, The Lost Levels. Outside of MPL, I'm a Let's Player on YouTube.

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