Join In On Our “Kirby and the Rainbow Curse” Podcast!

First off, before I say anything, I just want to say I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day! And if you didn’t watch The Lost Levels most RECENT podcast, Podcast 155 – Mario Party 10 Mini-Games Discussion, you can listen to it here.

Anyway, let’s get down to business! Next week, on Saturday, February 21st, we’re going to be filming a podcast about Kirby and The Rainbow Curse! As it turns out unfortunately, the other Lost Levels aren’t going to be picking up the game because they aren’t really interested in it! But we’ve been talking recently, and we decided that I (SpiderStaryu) will just go ahead and do it anyway! Yes, the first podcast with just a single Lost Level… but I won’t be doing this alone!

Yes, everyone, that’s where YOU come in! If you’re picking up “Kirby and the Rainbow Curse” on February 20th (it’s release date), then you have a chance of guest starring to talk about it on next week’s podcast! If you are interested, please read the following conditions and the time we record!

February 21st, Saturday
2:30 PM EST



  • Have a decent quality mic to record yourself.

  • Have Audacity.

  • Have the “LAME MP3 Encoder” installed to save your file as an MP3.

  • Have at least 2 hours of free time (around 1-3 PM EST should be free to film/etc.)

And that’s all! If you fit these requirements, can make the time, then please contact me on Skype at “spiderstaryu“. I hope to have fun talking with you guys soon! This is something new we’re trying, I hope it turns out well!!


I am a joyful 19 year old dude who loves everything Nintendo, particularly Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, and Kirby. I have plenty of roles through out the MPL network, which include: Being an Admin of the MPL Forums, being a Writer here on the website, and also being part of MPL's podcast, The Lost Levels. Outside of MPL, I'm a Let's Player on YouTube.

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