We have a winner! Congrats to NotSoEpicDude for winning our Smash giveaway! Thanks to all 29 of you who entered, the reviews mean a lot to us and we are so glad you were able to give us your input!
Instagram says hi.
The Lost Levels is giving away a free copy of Super Smash Bros. for 3DS this October! Anyone can enter this giveaway, but we are asking all who want to enter to do the following three things:
Subscribe, Rate, and Review The Lost Levels on iTunes!
We want the podcast to grow and iTunes is a very important part in making our mark in the podcasting world. By subscribing, rating, and most importantly writing a review, our podcast shows up higher in search results and is overall attracts more viewers. You will need an Apple ID in order to review, and you can find info on how to do that through your computer or Apple device here.
We will randomly pick one of the written reviews as the winner on October 3 at 12 AM EDT. Options of digital or physical will depend on location. Enjoy the podcast, review us on iTunes, and hope you’re lucky enough to win! Good luck!