Episode 224 – Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go is the latest craze that recently hit iOS and Android devices! Walk around the real world and catch Pokemon right on your phone! For Pokemon fans who have been here since the first generation, this has been a dream of their’s for years, and it’s finally came to fruition! Everyone’s been playing Pokemon Go; old fans, new fans, moms, dads, everyone of all ages have been enjoying! There’s even some crazy things that have happened to people playing this app game! We also bring up the NES Classic; a miniaturized  version of the original NES, with 30 games on the console! One more thing, SuperZambezi’s birthday was couple days ago, stay tune until the end for a special birthday tune for SuperZambezi!

SuperZambezi is the host of today’s podcast, and is joined by SpiderStaryu as his co-host!

***ROLL CALL***:

SuperZambezi DarkBoo SpiderStaryu Sol

Download: MP3 (01:18:59)

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I am a joyful 19 year old dude who loves everything Nintendo, particularly Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, and Kirby. I have plenty of roles through out the MPL network, which include: Being an Admin of the MPL Forums, being a Writer here on the website, and also being part of MPL's podcast, The Lost Levels. Outside of MPL, I'm a Let's Player on YouTube.

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