Episode 139 – VGL #4: Luigi’s Mansion (Ft. TwoDreamyLuigi)

The fourth Video Game Lodge is here, and October’s VGL was Luigi’s Mansion! So I hope everyone enjoyed playing Luigi’s Mansion throughout this spooky month! The Lost Levels have been bursting out the nostalgic Gamecube just to play this game! We talk about all the game, including: juicy bosses like Boolossus, our trouble using the Game Boy Horror,  and even some comparisons to Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, for those who have played that game! Hope everyone loves listening to this podcast, and Happy Halloween!  The ever-bodacious Dark Boolossus is hosting another VGL, with Soul, FrankenStaryu, SuperZombiezi, and guest star TwoScreamyLuigi!

Download: MP3 (01:58:39)

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I am a joyful 19 year old dude who loves everything Nintendo, particularly Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, and Kirby. I have plenty of roles through out the MPL network, which include: Being an Admin of the MPL Forums, being a Writer here on the website, and also being part of MPL's podcast, The Lost Levels. Outside of MPL, I'm a Let's Player on YouTube.

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