Episode 136 – October News 2014

Today’s podcast is about Nintendo’s gaming news for this week in October! First we’ll digest the Captain Toad: Treasure Trackers trailer. From there we jump straight to Super Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS; with the recent interview featuring Sakurai discussing the clone characters in the game. The announcement of this month’s VGL is in the podcast as well, a post about all that will be coming soon! Also, with all of this excitement, we also have a special birthday! Our very own Lost Leveler; our juicy potent buddy, SpiderStaryu (that’s me!) celebrates his birthday today on the podcast! Any birthday wishes will be much appreciated!

Joining the podcast we have the administrator of MPL SuperZambezi  as your host, along with co-hosts AbsolPowersDark Boo, and birthday boy, SpiderStaryu!

Download: MP3 (01:46:42)

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I am a joyful 19 year old dude who loves everything Nintendo, particularly Mario, Metroid, Pokemon, and Kirby. I have plenty of roles through out the MPL network, which include: Being an Admin of the MPL Forums, being a Writer here on the website, and also being part of MPL's podcast, The Lost Levels. Outside of MPL, I'm a Let's Player on YouTube.

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