Our main topic this week is Animal Crossing: New Leaf! We have an amazing discussion about villagers, tips and tricks on how to make bells, how we decorate our town/house, and a lot more! We have a very podcast about New Leaf, so I hope you’ll take a listen! We have 3 guest stars today joining as our co-hosts. First, straight from YouTube, you know him for all his awesome playthroughs and reviews, Knightwing01! We also have his wife joining, Amber, and another awesome YouTuber, Mialannahi! Also Joining the podcast today we have your juicy host SpiderStaryu, regular co-hosts include: SuperZambezi and Sol
Download: MP3 (02:15:33)
Also, check out our guest’s accounts and subscribe/follow what they do!
Knightwing’s Main YouTube Account
Knightwing’s Lets Play Account
Amber’s YouTube Account
Mia’s Tumblr Account