Episode 15 – Too Many Mario Games?

We have a new name! Gone is the Mario Party Legacy Podcast and in is the The Lost Levels! Our new podcast will focus on all things Mario and not just the Mario Party series. This week we discuss whether Mario has overstayed his welcome and whether all these Mario games is a good thing. SuperZambezi hosts as Dark Boo, SpiderStaryu, and H-J join in on the discussion!

You can go to the iTunes page, or you can download or listen to the podcast online:

Download: MP3 (1:17:43)


Send in your questions to our mailbag at podcast@mariopartylegacy.com and we will read and answer them on the podcast! Questions can be about Mario Party, video games, or anything else! You can also send your question to the podcast with a PM to the Millennium account through the Forum.